Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Doctor Week

I haven't done a medical update in awhile which has, quite honestly, been awesome. But since we're coming off our spring edition of 'doctor week' where we meet with the big guns in her medical adventure, I thought I'd post a little bit of what's going on.  My parents and sister tagged on to an LA visit and spent a few days with us which was really nice since to have some moral support.

When the goose was born there were two 'lists' that we were given - the first was a list of confirmed findings from all of their tests and the other was a potential list of issues that she was prone to or showing symptoms of but would require more tests to confirm.  Both of these lists of gotten shorter (YAY!) and longer (BOO!) as time has gone on as we learn more of what's going on. We are so grateful to have crossed off a couple things but now items which in a previous life would make me pass out if I heard that she had (two confirmed heart defects and potential issues with her spinal cord) are now bubbling up to the top of our priorities. The rock and the hard place of it all is that we are all too well aware of how hard some of the tests are on all of us, but if she does have what they suspect and it goes unfixed, it could have devastating long term effects. So we're researching our heads off and doing some praying hoping we're making the right decisions.

While we tend to leave visits with lighter and heavier hearts all at the same time, every time we walk out of that hospital I am vividly reminded at how absolutely grateful I am that she is walking right next to me because being able to walk normally was not a given when she was born.

We also snuck in some fun with the fam on their visit, including a swim lesson with a cheering section. Note, Makenna was also in Makenna's cheering section that day clapping for herself? them? who knows every time she did something well.

Floating away with Ms. Jessica

Hanging out in an egg at UTC

While going to the doc isn't always fun it does remind us how lucky we are to have some of the best in the world.


  1. Dina, more updates! Please keep blogging.

  2. Dina, I just spent much of the day--off and on--reading ALL the blog posts again and enjoying the many wonderful photos. Boy, did it bring back memories! I had forgotten many of these things, so it was special to read about them again. She is 10 years old now and continues to amaze us! Good job, Mama and Dada.
