Monday, March 9, 2015


Some days it hard to believe we have a two year old because she still loves to be snuggled, rocked to sleep and held just as she always has. Other days, I realize that not only does her vocabulary rival my own, her grammar is undoubtedly better and that she is wise beyond her years, that she is turning into a little human all on her own.

I've thought many times that age 1 would be hard to beat being that she learned to walk, talk, sing and dance but I've realized there are still plenty of exciting things up ahead.

My mom likes to joke that she doesn't sleep much because she's practicing things like her counting and ABC's. While I wouldn't mind some more sleep, I do enjoy this little know it all quite a bit.

I don't usually post videos, but I haven't been great about remembering when she did stuff, so I'm posting so I don't forget (or lose this video). Here is her Stevie Wonder rendition of the ABC's:

1 comment:

  1. This girl is going to be quite the singer! Love you, Dubbie.
